TeamLMI is focused on improving results, building value and enhancing the lives of people in your organization. We do this by building shared vision, effective leadership, and productive teams.
Our experienced professionals have a mission to improve performance over time while reducing risk using the science of organizational psychology in effective and practical ways. Our clients cover a broad spectrum including family business, corporations, non-profit organizations, government and educational institutions. Funny thing--we find good leadership practices are universal.
Our results-focused, evidence-based approach uses a framework for sensible and coherent development in organizations by emphasizing effective leadership and building healthy organizational cultures. This provides a complete and progressive model for both development and orderly succession.
The Achieving Leader Study definitively shows the common behavioral characteristics that the top achieving leaders employ to set them apart from their lesser achieving colleagues. These leaders were most highly valued by their respective companies and were promoted faster and given the most responsibility for managing their organization's assets and people.
On-site and Virtual Delivery Options
Like most organizations, you are busy with customers and focused on your business. Hiring good people is critical, but also time consuming. Studies show that as few as 1% of applicants are qualified and up to 44% misrepresent themselves in key areas during the application process. How do you hire the right people?
TeamLMI brings a fresh, innovative and scientifically proven approach to creating a road-map to guide your organization. We use a simple game-like approach to get fresh ideas and thinking from your key people. A scoring method allows the best ideas, important issues and key relationships to emerge organically. From this map, your team can make clear strategic decisions on priorities for the coming year.